The Adirondack League was an Independent League that was based in New York.
1932 - Antwerp, Balmat, Edwards, Hailesboro, Harrisville, North Wales, Natured Bridge, Spragueville
1933 - Gouverneur, Herman, Heuvelton, Morristown, Russell, Smith Corner, Spragueville
1934 - Brier Hill, Edwards, Emeryville, Marble City, Morristown, Rensselaer Falls, Richville, Russell
1935 to 1936 unknown if this league played.
1937 - Antwerp, Edwards, Harrisville, Newton Falls, Potsdam, Talcottville-Talcville, Tupper Lake
1938 to 1940 unknown if this league played.
1946 - played with unknown Teams.
1947 to 1950 unknown if this league played.
1951 - Bloomingdale, Cadyville, Plattsburgh, Tupper Lake, Peasleeville, West Plattsburgh